Keynote address
Prof, E.A.V.Prasad on Indian Ground water Hydrology based on "Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita".
R.S.Rao Director, APSRAC Hyderabad: Presentations on the Buried channel and course of the Mythological river Saraswati.
R.S.Rao, G.V.Ramakrishna, C.Mastan Rao, G.Venkataswamy and E.A.V.Prasad: Digital analysis of satellite data for Hydrogeological prospect zones, indentification around Jamshedpur area statistically.
Prof. M.Panduranga Rao, Warangal: Water Supply Systems of Kakatiya period and Groundwater exploration in Hardrock areas involving Traditional and Integrated surveys.
J.NKathuria, Hubli: Location of well sites based on concepts in Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita. He demonstrated that the location of the well sites is more successful by Water Divining Methods than the scientific Hydrological Surveys.
These observations have been substantiated through the case histories presented by Prof.E.A.V.Prasad, K.G.Nandagopal, B.Damodaram, Tirupati; K.Ashok Reddy, I.D.C Cuddapah; D.Vijayasaradhi, Vijayawada, Krishna District, A.P ; Dr.Sankaranna, Chittoor District; D.L.N.Simha, Ongole, Prakasam District; and P.L.K.M.Rao, Hyderabad.
Dr.M.Jayaramgupta of Anantapur presented a paper on purification of polluted waters by Herbal treatment based on clues given by Brihat Samhita.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The modern methods of Ground water Exploration are found to be grossly inadequate to meet the water supply demand in the drought prone areas in the country.
• In view of the excellence and efficacy of the integrated biological and geological techniques suggested in "Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita", it is recommended that these traditional methods integrated with the modern techniques.
• The water divining techniques commonly employed in, Ground water exploration have to be rigorously tested for their scientific basis and for field application with an open minded approach.
• In this connection itjis proposed to set up a network of organisations involved in teaching, research and extension to promote soundly scientific traditional methods.
• It is also recommended to periodically organise seminar/symposia/workshops on Indian Ground Water Hydrology with the coordinated network.
• Preparation of Audio visual aids in this.field, Educational Media Research Centre (EMRC) Hyderabad, has recently produced a short video film titled "Ancient Indian Ground Water Hydrology" which would be telecast on T.V.-shortly under U.G.C. programme.
• It j is proposed to publish the volume consisting the papers presented in the session on "Indian Ground water Hydrology" held in CTSTI, IIT, Bombay, 1993.
(Dec. 2-3, 1993)
Session I: (Opening Session) Thursday Dec. 2, '93, 9.00-10.30 A.M
A. Inaugural address by Chief Guest Prof. Yashpal, New Delhi.
B. Tea break & film show: 10.30 - 11.15 A.M: Video film on Indian Ground Water
Hydrology made by E.M.R.C., Hyderabad, duration 25 minutes,
C.11.15 A.M - 12.30 Noon: Keynote Address and Slide Sjhow: 35 mm slide projections of 'Indian Ground Water Hydrology' based on Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita by Dr.E.A.V.Prasad, followed by question -answer session.
D.12.30 -1.15 P.M: Dr.R.S.Rao, Director: APSRAC, Hyderabad:"Remote Sensing and Indian'Ground Water Hydrology".
Session It: 2.00 P.M - 5.30 P.M
1. Dr.V.M.Meher Homji, (Pondicherry): "The role of forests in Precipitation cycle".
2. J.N.Kathuria (Hubli): "Selection of sites for wells in hard-rock areas".
3. Prof.M.Panduranga Rao (R.E.C., Warangal): (a) Hydrology based on "Brihat Samhita" - A case study, (b) "Water Supply Systems of Kakatiya Period".
4. Dr.M.Jayarama Gupta (Anantapur): "Significance of the Traditional Methods in Ground Water exploration".
Session III A: Friday Dec.3, 1993: 9.00 - 10.30 A.M: Water Divining
1. G.Suryanarayana, Director, C.G.W.B., Bhopal
2. Dr.S.R.Umale, Punjabrao Krishi Vidyalaya, Akola
3. Sri.D.L.N.Simha, Ongole : "Dowsing : A concept not to be ignored"
4. Ms.Sophia Ten Broeck, Bangalore (Prof. S.D.Benke)
5. D.P.Mathuria, Bhopal
Session III B: 11.00 A.M - 1.00 P.M
1. R.S.Rao, Ramaknshna, G.V., et al (Hyderabad): "Digital analysis of Satellite data for ground water prospect zones identification around Jamshedpur".
2. S.M.Patwardhan (Bombay): "Water supply evaluation for tribal areas".
3. Dr.G.Sankaranna (Tirupati): "Bioindicatprs of ground water".
4. K.Ashok Reddy, APSIDC, Cuddapah : "Bioindicators and Water Divining".
5. A.C.Narayana (Cochin): "Petrochemical properties of soils and termite soils".
6. D.Vijayasaradhi and Y.Srinivasa Rao (Vijayawada): "Bioindicators in Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita: Some traditional methods of ground water exploration : Case studies from Krishna District, A.P., India". (Oral paper)
Session IV: 2.00 P.M - 3.00 P.M - Poster session
1. Dr.Smt.Megha Deshmukh (Aurangabad): "Studies of water-bearing characters of the rocks occurring in the drought - prone areas of Aurangabad and Beed Districts, Maharastra".
2. L.G.Asvathanarayana and; G.Srinivas (Bangalore): “Quality of ground water in Ghataprabha river basin, South India".
3. D.L.N.Simha, P.L.K.M.Rao & G.Srimannarayana (Ongole): "Desalination of well waters by herbal extracts: a case study".
4. Nandagopal, KG and B.Damodaram (Tirupati): "Some hydrogeological aspects of Tirupati area based on the concepts in Brihat Samhita".
Contact Address:
Prof.E.A.V.Prasad, Convener,
Indian Ground Water HydrologyProf & Chairman,
Department of Geology - Sri Venkateswara University,
TIRUPATHI - 517 502.
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