THE following is a short list of Books on Indian science and Technology. Most of these books have not yet been seen by us. Many of the titles are gleaned from other articles. and references. Hence the list is not in any sense representative of the literature on the subject, which of the source works (in Indian Languages) or their translations.
This list can be supplemented by going through the various articles in the journal. ' Indian Journal of History of Science ' which is published biennially by INSA from 1966. We hope that various groups will cooperate in exchanging through this bulletin similar lists of books/ articles that they come across. In this way we may finally evolve an extensive bibliography of material on Indian Science and Technology.
1. Claude Alvares, Homo Faber, Allied Publishers, 1979.
2. D.M. Bose, S.N. Sen and B.V. Subbarayappa Eds.,
A Concise History of Science in India, INSA 1970.
3. D.P. Chattopadhyay, Lokayata - A Study of Indian
Materialism, Peoples Publishing House.
4. D.P. Chattopadhyay, science and society in Ancient
India, India Publications, Calcutta, 1977.
5. Dharmpal, Indian Science and Technology, in the 18th Century,
Impex India, New Delhi, 1971.
6. INSA, Symposium on History of Sciences in India, 1974.
7. O.P. Jaggi, History of Science and Technology in
India (in several volumes), Atma Ram and Sons (From 1973).
8. S. Prakash, Founders of Science in Ancient India,
The Research Institute of Ancient Scientific Studies, New Delhi, 1965.
9. Publications Division (Govt. of India), Scientists of India, 1979.
10. Dal [Not Visible], The Materialistic Tradition in Indian Thought,
Motilal Banarsi Das, 1961.
11. B.K. Sarkar, Hindu Achievements in Exact Science,
Longmans, 1918.
12. B.N. Seal, Positive Sciences of Ancient Hindus,
Motilal Banarsi Das, 1958.
13. R. Taton, Ed. Ancient and Mediaval Science,
Basic Books Inc. New York, 1957.
14. A.J.J. Winter, Eastern Science, John Murray,
London, 1952.
1 R. Brillard, L’ Astronomie Indianne (in French),
pub de L' Ecole Française d’ extreme Orient, Vo1.83, 1971.
2. S.B, Dikshit, Bharatiya Jyoti Shastra (Eng. Tr. by
R.V. Vaidya), Govt. of India Press, 1969.
3. B.B. Dutta and A.N, Singh, History of Hindu
Mathematics, Asia Publishing House, 1962.
4. Gorakh Prasad, Bharatiya Jyotish Ka Itihas, Pothishala
Pvt. Ltd. Allahabad, 1965.
5. D. Pingree, Census of Exact Sciences in Sanskrit, Vols. ⅠⅡ,
American Philosophical society, Philosophic (from 1970).
6. D.Pingree, History of Mathematical Astronomy in India,
Dictionary of Scientific Bibliography XV supply. Ⅰ,
New York, 1978.
7. G.S. Sampath Iyengar, K.G.S, Seshagiri, Ancient Hindu
Astronomy, International Society for the Investigation
of Ancient Civilization, Madras, 1980.
8. Saraswati Amma. Geometry in Ancient and Medieval India,
Motilal Banarsi Das, 1979.
9. S.N. sen, A. Bibliography of Sanskrit works on
Astronomy and Mathematics, INSA,1966.
10. P.C. Sengupta, "Hindu Astronomy'' in Cultural Heritage of
India, VOL.Ⅲ. PP. 341 - 377.
11. Triveni Prasad Sinha, Graha Nakshatra (in Hindi).
Bihar Rashtra Bhasha Parishad, Patna, 1955.
12. D.A. Somayaji, A Critical Study of Ancient Hindu
Astronomy, Karnatak University, Dharwar, 1971.
13. C.N. Srinivasa Iyengar, History of Ancient Indian.
Mathematics, World Press, Calcutta, 1967.
1. C. Chakraborthy, Ancient Hindu Medicine, Calcutta,1923.
2. J. Filliozat, The Classical Doctrine of Indian Medicine,
Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi, 1964.
3. Julius Jolly, Indian Medicine (Engl. tr. by. C.G. Kashikar),
Poona, 1951.
4. Jyotir Mitra, History of Indian Medicine from Premauryan to
Kushan Period, Banaras Hindu University, 1974.
5. G.N. Mukhopadhyaya, History of India Medicine (in 2 vols.)
Calcutta University, 1923.
6. G.N. Mukhopadhyaya, The Surgical Instruments of Hindus
(in 3 volumes), Calcutta University, 1913.
7. P. V. Sharma, Indian Medicine in the classical Age,
Chowkhamba Sanskrit Office, 1972.
8. P.V. Sharma, Ayurved ka vaignanik Itihas.
9. [Not Visible] Zimmer, Hindu Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1948.
1. L.H. Burkhill, Chapters in the History of Botany in India, Botanical
Survey of India, Calcutta, 1965.
2. ICAR, Agriculture in Ancient India, New Delhi, 1966.
3. G.P. Majumdar, The History of Botany and Allied Sciences in India,
Archives International d 'Historic dos Sciences, UNESCO. Paris, 1970.
4. G.P. Majumdar, Vanaspati, Calcutta, University, 1927.
5. Vishnu Mittre, History of Agriculture in India,
Deccan College, Poona, 1970.
6. S.P. Ray Chaudhury, Agricultural Practices in Ancient
India, ICAR Review Series No.4, New Delhi,1953.
1. H. Berstein, Steamboats on the Ganges - An Exploration in the
History of India's Modernization through Science and Technology, 1960.
2. CIBA Review No. 2, India -Its Dyes and its colour
3. M.G. Dikshit, History of Indian Glass, Bombay, 1969.
4. J. Fergusson, History of Indian and Easterm Architecture
(in 2 volumes)
5. D.R. Gadgil, The Industrial Evolution of India, 1969.
6. Satish Grover, The Architecture of India - Buddist and
Hindu, Vikas Publishers, 1980.
7. P. Mannetty, Imperialism and Free Trade - Lancashire
and India in the Mid 19th Century, 1972.
8. Irwin and schwartz Eds., Studies in Indo- European Textile
History, 1966.
9. R.K. Mookarjee, Indian Shipping, Bombay, 1912.
10. P. Noogi, Copper in Ancient India, Calcutta, 1918.
11. P. Noogi, Iron in Ancient India, Calcutta, 1914.
12. A.S. Pearse, The Indian Cotton Industry, 1930.
13. P.C. Ray, History of Chemistry in Ancient and Medieval
India (Edited by P. Ray), Indian Chemical Society 1956.
14. H.D. Sankalia, Some Aspects of Pre - Historic Technology
In India, INSA.
15. D.C. Sircar, ED, Early Indian Trade and Industry,
Calcutta University, 1972.
Madras Group
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